Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Screaming Banshee is at bay...for now

Things have progressed that I can sit for hours without pain, as long as I keep my foot at least level with my seat. Up from 9 to 5, painted most of that time, well about half. I feel very connected to the work, like something unexpected might come of this. Too bad it took a broken leg to get me to sit down and take this seriously. Seems like I wanted to but then I would have been off riding today if not. My little camera is not great at photographing this kind of stuff, seemed the DSLR did better, but it has bum lens. I am also limited at how elaborate a set I can do. (I have dismantled the bum lens from both ends, seems the broken part is in the middle, so it remains stuck at wide angle. Today I am happy.

1 comment:

  1. If you're sitting hours w/o pain, I suggest that you lay off the Advil for a while. I can't sit 10 mins. w/o pain. Studio/desk looks good. New work is interesting. Don't spare the horses!
