I have not posted for a few days because just exactly what can I say that is new and inspiring about the screaming banshee that lives in my leg every time I get up?
The good news is that over the last few days my supplies arrived, I got em unpacked, and I have experimented with different locations around the house and yes there is a way to proceed that is not so painful. (sitting at a table, foot up on another chair, good cushions on both). It does require rearranging the studio though, and frankly my muddled mind forgot about the work table buried under the canvases and paintings. So this morning I set to work on that. I can only go so far before I have to take a break, but I expect to have a place set up where I can work at least an hour a day soon.
Working off my bed did not work out, too messy, I love art, but living in my paint drippings is a little to Van Goughish for even me. Guess I am getting old and middle class.
So I hope to continue with posting the new work maybe as early as tomorrow. I was talking to my friend Bev who was visiting the National Gallery, I could see some of the works she was looking at and for some reason "Rug" by Phillip Guston, an influence from the past, appealed to me.
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